Although we are an adventure-oriented company we always include some sightseeing in our trips introducing you to the very heart of the region you will be visiting. We understand that learning about the history and living culture should be part of an integral experience when traveling in the Andes, and not only provide transportation and accommodation. Bolivia and Peru are the countries with more amerindian and mix population (up to 82% in the case of Bolivia, which has almost 60 native ethnic groups), which is why we can taky you to a trip to the past to experience a real cultural shock at an extremely diverse cultural country.
Our aim is to show you every aspect of the life in the Andes and provide you the most enriching life-time experience possible.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.
Archaeological tours
Ancient human history in the central Andes date from at least 11.000 BC when - according to the most serious researches - humans migrated to South America crossing the Pacific Ocean and land-traversing the Americans after having cross the Bering Strait. Pictograms and ancient tools prove that they lived in caves, and were nomadic hunters and gatherers, but their lives had two moments of great change: farming (domestication of Llamas and Alpacas) and agriculture (domestication of potatoes, Quinua and other grains).
Agriculture and farming helped them to organize their society, families and villages politically stable are formed, and the dependence on the agriculture and nature make them to develop a kind of animism, that will became their religion. Generically called Aymaras, three main lines of inhabitants occupied the highlands: Chiripas, Wancaranis, and Tiwanaco. Around the time of Christ (discovered objects in Tiwanaco date from 1572 BC to 1200AD), the Aymaras find the need to have special places for their Gods and all together start the building of the temples in Tiwanaco (Kalasasaya, Kantatallita, Akapana, Kerikala, Putuni and Pumapunku). The Tiwanacus develop sciences like natural medicine, physics including hydraulic, acoustic, astronomy, and get very skillful on architecture and other crafts. They lived a very peaceful and well-organized existence with no kings or individual leaders but a group of priests and old wise men, some people called that: “the perfect socialism”.
For an inexplicable reason they abandon their city during the Eleventh century AD. And create many small familiar groups called “señorios” They will become later the villages of this days. The Incas appear like a hundred years later but stared no longer that 60-80 years in the Bolivian territory when the Spaniards arrive in the Andes at the end of the fifteenth century, starting the colonial time of the Andes, and lasting until the beginning of the nineteenth century when one by one all of the Andean Countries become independent.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.
Bird watching
Bolivia is a true paradice for Bird Watchers spotting a wide diversity of birds from the highlands and mountain valleys, passing from the microclimatic cloud forest and down to the deep Amazon basin.
In the lowlands, Madidi National Park alone - one of the most diverse eco-systems in Bolivia -, host about 1000 bird species (90% of all Bolivian bird species). One of the most successful ecological project is located in this park; the Chalalan lodge. After 300 years living as hunters and loggers, the Quechua-Takana indigenous understood about the consequences of these practices and decided to work with tourism in instead. Visit our pages: National Parks and Birds of Bolivia for more information.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.
Natural History
“Nature, History and Living culture" are the three main pillars on which tourism is been promoted to the Andes but especially in Bolivia.
The Andean Mountain Range form one of the most unique, and extraordinary complex of ecological systems from the Pacific to the Amazon basin through the central Andes. Because of its unique location and the geographical and cultural diversity, Bolivia is becoming the main attraction to the traveler in the Andes. Some unforgettable features offered are deep thick jungles, rare animal species, lush green rain forests, savannas, warm dry valleys, high volcanoes, snow covered mountain ranges, gigantic rock walls, endless cold deserts, salt flats, and colorful mountain lakes.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.
If you have not seen the southern skies at night, you do not know how amazing the heavens above are. The clear and crisp skies of the Andes have no competitors and it is possible to observe the most beautiful astronomic features.
Even Though stars are seen from any place on earth the sky could look different and may surprise you when you see it from a new location.
The Andes cover a great extension on earth, both on the Northern and the southern hemispheres, and offer in the south some of the best places for amateur and professional astronomers to do observation, astrophotography, and even research.
Solar eclipse (I.Blanco)The Bolivian high plateau and Lake Titicaca areas, offer altitudes close to 4,000m (13,120ft). There are amateur astronomers who have chosen these areas to open private observatories (16 inch Dobsonian), others who freely camp at almost any place away from village lights and people, for their observations. There is also the possibility of always be close to a good and comfortable hotel if the night gets too cold.
Tarija, at 1,924m (6,310ft) above sea level in Bolivia, is also another destination for amateur astronomers; Open to visitors, is the National observatory of Santa Ana, some of their first instruments are now obsolete but they still work; there is also found a 20 inch refractor considered the biggest telescope in Bolivia. Tarija also offers good opportunities for palaeontology and wine tasting.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.
Skiing in Andes is not easy. Due to the altitude and high solar radiation, snowfields last little and glaciers are reseeding very fast, not mentioning the fact that the snow line starts at 5,000m (16,400 ft). But, do not get disappointed, this is a great arena where to practice mountaineering ski. The glacier of Mururata is one of the longest in Southern Cordillera Real, actually so long that the best way of getting to its summits is on Mountain Skis.
Altitude above the sea level, dry atmosphere, high rate of clear nights/year, and little light pollution, are only some of the reasons in favour of choosing a site in The Andes to place a Telescope, or a pair of binoculars and enjoy the magnificent southern sky.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.
Cata-Kayak on Lake Titicaca
In the central Andes and surrounded by two mountain ranges is located the Altiplano; a very large plain that hosts a unique enclosed water-basin whose main water mass is Lake Titicaca; the highest navigable lake on earth.
According to most of our clients' comments, if this lake would be located in any other developed country in the world, it would be filled with: sail-boats, jet-skis, wind-surfers, hydrofoils, and sea-kayaks. Although, locals have navigated and sailed on Lake Titicaca since ancient times using reed-boats and wooden sail-boats nowadays, rarely we find foreigners paddling or sailing on the Lake.
If you think you would enjoy paddling on the calm waters of Lake Titicaca, we suggest you to consider a trip with our “Cata-Kayaks”; a prototype we bought after an expedition we organized for a National Geographic project to navigate the whole inland water basin. These Cata-Kayaks are built with two seat-on-top kayaks assembled in pairs, like a catamaran with a sail. Paddling along to lake shores or across to the islands, is a pleasurable "soft" activity even more enjoyable if there is some help of the wind. No previous sea kayaking experience is required, although life-vest are provided, clients should know how to swim.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.
Sailing on Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca is what remains of ancient larger lakes that once have occupied most of the Bolivian highlands and still today it is the highest navigable lake on earth. The microclimate created by this mass of water, offers the best environment for agriculture on the highlands. That is certainly the reason why the ancient cultures aroused on its shores , islands and penínsulas.
Besides the intensive agriculture practice in the área, reed gathering and fishing are an importante economical activity and hundreds of fishermen sail its waters putting or collecting their nets everyday. Built mostly by the expert boat-makers of Suriqui island, these simple but effitient sailboats can cover long distances reuiring little wing considering its size and weight (being from 5-6m long the smallest to 15-20m long the largest).
According to most of our clients' comments, if this lake would be located in any other developed country in the world, it would be filled with: people in jet-skis, wind-surfers and hydrofoils. In our experience, there is no better way to enjoy Lake Titicaca than sailing with local sailboats navigating freely its blue-cobalt waters and - prefereable - camping on its shores. Please contact us sending your schedule, expectations and we will organize you the best sail trip on the sacred Lake Titicaca. No previous sea kayaking experience is required, although life-vest are provided, clients should know how to swim.
Please contact us using the “Customized trips”, so we can send you a tailor made itinerary and quotation with your special request.